
Provides methods for interactions with patients in the PAC Metrix system.

api/Patient - GET Returns a single patient (and their accounts) using their internal PAC Metrix id.
api/Patient/Find - GET Returns patients (and their accounts) matching certain criteria.
api/Patient - POST Creates or updates a PAC Metrix patient including accounts.
api/Patient/MergeOrChangeIds - POST Either merges patients and accounts or updates their ids depending on their state in PAC Metrix.

Method Details

Method: https://login.pac-metrix.com/api/api/Patient (GET)
Use this method when you know the PAC Metrix internal id (Patient.PrimaryKey) of an existing patient to get patient account account data.
stringapikey Obtained through successful authentication.
intpatientprimarykey The internal PAC Metrix id of an existing patient.
Patient See API Objects for details.
Method: https://login.pac-metrix.com/api/api/Patient/Find (GET)
Use this method when you want to find a PAC Metrix patient using some criteria. (will be expanded in the future)
stringapikey Obtained through successful authentication.
stringpatientid The external id of a patient.
Patient See API Objects for details.
Method: https://login.pac-metrix.com/api/api/Patient (POST)
Use this method to write patient data to PAC Metrix. If an existing patient is found to match the internal OR external patient id, it will be updated. Otherwise, a new patient will be created.
stringapikey Obtained through successful authentication.
WritePatientRequest[Request Content] Data to be posted. See ApiObjects for details.
BasicActionReply See API Objects for details.
Method: https://login.pac-metrix.com/api/api/Patient/MergeOrChangeIds (POST)
Use this method when you want to change the external patient or account ids of a PAC Metrix patient. This method may be used to merge two patient or accounts together or to simply change their ids. Whether a MERGE or a simple id change is performed depends on the state of any existing paction/account records in the PAC Metrix system that may already have those ids.
stringapikey Obtained through successful authentication.
stringdiscardpatientid The external id of the existing patient.
stringdiscardaccountid The external id of the existing account.
stringkeeppatientid The NEW external id of the patient.
stringkeepaccountid The NEW external id of the account.
BasicActionReply See API Objects for details.